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Driving Pressure or ventilation pressure is a key parameter in a protective ventilation strategy

Optimizing ventilation in ARDS: the role of ventilation pressure.

According to a 2018 study, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is diagnosed in 10% of all intensive care unit (ICU) patients and 23% of intubated patients, and the mortality rate remains high.

Lung-Protective Ventilation is a key strategy for ARDS to minimize ventilator-induced lung injury. It includes the use of small tidal volumes and control of ventilation pressure (Driving Pressure).

Ventilation pressure (∆P, Driving Pressure) is calculated as the difference between plateau pressure (Pplato) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP).

Why is ventilation pressure control important?

  • The studies of Amato and colleagues have been instrumental in understanding the role of ventilation pressure as a key parameter for optimizing mechanical ventilation in patients with HRDS. They showed that high ventilation pressures are associated with increased mortality.

  • Ventilation pressure is an indicator of global lung stress, allowing ventilation parameters to be personalized:

  1. Correction of tidal volume, (Vt) in accordance with the compliance of the lungs and chest

  2. Estimation of the size of the aerated part of the lungs

Driving Pressure control on the eVolution 3e ULTRA

The eVolution 3e ULTRA has built-in tools to automatically monitor and control ventilation pressure in real time. This allows medical personnel working with the device to quickly and without additional intervention control ventilation parameters.

Main functions:

  • Ventilation pressure monitoring (∆P value, Driving Pressure)

  • Alarms when safety limits are exceeded

  • Tool for setting safe ventilation pressure levels (Target Tool for all ventilation modes)

  • Color display of the Driving Pressure safety limit line (Target Driving Pressure Line tool) on the respiratory cycle graph to evaluate ventilation pressure dynamics (user defined)