In modern medicine, endoscopy plays a key role in providing quality and safe care to patients. In particular, in gynecology, it has become an indispensable tool for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. With the help of endoscopic technologies, doctors can perform complex manipulations with less risk to the health of patients than with traditional open operations. The minimally invasive approach not only reduces the level of trauma, but also significantly reduces recovery time after surgical interventions.
Rigid endoscopy is a modern minimally invasive method based on the use of special optical equipment for visualization and manipulation of internal organs. This approach involves inserting a rigid endoscope through small surgical incisions or natural body openings, allowing clear images of organs and tissues to be captured on a monitor. In gynecology, endoscopy has opened new horizons for effective diagnosis and treatment, as it minimizes the need for traditional open surgery. The minimally invasive approach allows the intervention to be performed through small incisions, reducing the risk of complications. High-resolution optical systems provide detailed images of internal organs, which increases the accuracy of manipulations, and modern technologies, such as electrosurgery and lasers, allow complex operations to be performed with minimal trauma.
diagnosis of pathologies (endometriosis, fibroids, adhesions);
minimally invasive surgical treatment (removal of ovarian cysts, resection of fibroids, treatment of infertility);
assessment of the condition of the reproductive organs after treatment
The hysteroscope is also used to take a biopsy, material for histological studies, which makes it possible to accurately diagnose uterine cancer and other tumor diseases.
Endoscopic equipment used in gynecology consists of several key components that ensure the doctor’s effective work in diagnosis and treatment.
Light source: High quality xenon or LED lighting for clear visualization of anatomical structures
Camera: modern high-resolution cameras (FullHD or 4K) that transmit images to the monitor screen.
2-in-1 systems: Some modern models integrate a camera and light source in one compact unit, making the equipment more convenient and mobile.
Insufflator: A device that delivers carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity to create a surgical space.
Irrigation pump: provides irrigation of the surgical field to improve visibility during intervention.
Electrosurgical unit: used to cut tissue and coagulate blood vessels, which minimizes bleeding.
In addition to the stand, the set of instruments used for endoscopic procedures is important:
Hysteroresectoscope: instruments for removing polyps, fibroids or other pathologies in the uterine cavity. They ensure precise manipulation and low trauma.
Flexible instruments: allow complex manipulations in hard-to-reach areas, such as in cases of endometriosis or adhesions.
Surgical forceps, scissors, clamps: specialized instruments for cutting, grasping and manipulating tissue during surgery.
Modern endoscopic equipment is constantly being improved, which allows doctors to work with maximum efficiency and provide patients with high-quality medical care.
Endoscopic treatment methods in gynecology include various types of interventions, which can be classified according to the type of instrument, technique and nature of the manipulation. These methods make it possible to effectively treat various diseases with minimal risk to the patient. Let's look at the most popular of them:
1. Laparoscopy is an endoscopic method used to examine the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs using a laparoscope. This method is the main one for the surgical treatment of gynecological diseases such as:
Endometriosis – using this method, endometrioid lesions are removed.
Uterine fibroids – allows you to remove small fibroids.
Ovarian cysts – laparoscopic removal of cysts makes it possible to save the ovaries, which is especially important for women planning a pregnancy.
Adhesions - in case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes or the presence of adhesions, laparoscopy allows them to be removed or eliminated, restoring the patency of the tubes.
2. Hysteroscopy is an endoscopic method for examining and treating diseases of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope inserted through the cervical canal. This method is considered the main one for the treatment and diagnosis of uterine diseases:
Uterine polyps – allows you to accurately detect and remove uterine polyps with minimal trauma.
Uterine fibroids (small in size, localized on the mucous membrane) - the method makes it possible to perform resection of fibroids.
Congenital anomalies of the uterus - allows you to identify defects, such as uterine septum or bicornuum, and carry out correction.
Bleeding of unknown etiology - the method allows you to investigate the cause of bleeding and perform appropriate treatment.
Miscarriages - Hysteroscopy can be useful in diagnosing problems causing miscarriages, such as uterine abnormalities or hormonal imbalances.
3. Hysteroresectoscopy is a specialized form of hysteroscopy that allows for resection and removal of tumors in the uterine cavity, such as polyps, fibroids or adhesions. This is especially important for the treatment of precancerous changes and neoplasms:
Removal of large uterine polyps.
Resection of intrauterine fibroids.
Treatment of endometrial pathologies (for example hyperplasia).
5. Robotic surgical systems
Robotic surgery is a high-precision method that uses special robotic systems. They provide greater levels of precision, comfort and safety during surgery by integrating robotic arms that perform complex surgical procedures under the supervision of a surgeon. Modern robotic systems often include elements of artificial intelligence to optimize physician movements, improve accuracy, and reduce surgeon workload. The system also provides feedback on the condition of tissues during manipulation, which helps avoid damage to important structures.
Despite its many advantages, robotic surgery still remains inaccessible to a large number of the population due to its high cost, so traditional endoscopy methods do not lose their prevalence and relevance over the years.
Endoscopic treatment methods in gynecology have significantly improved the quality of medical care due to their minimally invasiveness, accuracy and rapid recovery after surgery. female patients.