On 21-22.10, at the clinic of Dr. Bogomolets @bogomolets.clinic, with the support of the Medigran company, a two-day basic course was held: “Dermatoscopy of skin tumors.”
A basic course devoted to the concepts of “dermatoscopy”, the physical basis of polarized and non-polarized light in dermatoscopy, colors and structures in melanocytic neoplasms, signs of melanocytic neoplasms (basic and additional), vascular pattern, characteristic signs of chalk pigmented neoplasms, etc.
The practice took place on European quality dermatoscopes – @heineoptotechnik
Namely on models:
We express our sincere gratitude to all participants of the course, especially the team of organizers and expert speaker Kiri Kravets (candidate of medical sciences, dermatovenereologist, dermato-oncologist, methodologist).
Thank you for your trust!