On November 27-28, 2021, in Kiev, with the support of Medigran, an in-depth course of ultrasound diagnostics in intensive care will be held on modern ALPINION devices (South Korea).
Organizers: Training Center Center of Surgical Innovation
Course curators:
Vysotsky Andrey Dmitrievich (anesthesiologist, departmentof REVH, Alexandrovsk clinical hospital in Kiev) and Shipov Daniil Olegovich(pediatrician - cardiologist of the Center for Pediatric Cardiology and CardiacSurgery).
Course program:
The goal is tomaster the monitoring of hemodynamics in intensive care.
Assessment ofintracardiac hemodynamics - valvular pathology, work with color Doppler, CW,PW-Doppler.
IVC assessment,dependence on the clinical situation - COPD, RDS, mechanical ventilation.
Ultrasoundsupport of patients with severe ARDS.
RUSH, GUCCIprotocols. Ultrasound during SCR, working out team interaction.
After the end ofthe course, a CSI Certificate is issued, zwhich includes 10 points, according tothe Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 02.22.2019 No. 446.
We inviteeveryone to join!
Registration forthe course: Center of Surgical Innovation
Inst: @medigran.official
Fb: @medigran